Sonny Terry – The King Of Blues Harmonica – His Best 21 Songs
€13,30 €12,10
Sonny Terry was one of the greatest harmonica players ever. Although he got famous with his association with Brownie McGhee he had also great recordings by himself. On this CD you can listen to all prewar recordings of this Giant of the Blues!
Track Listing:
1. Mountain Blues - 3:05 2. The New John Henry - 3:30 3. New Love Blues - 2:41 4. Harmonica Blues - 2:40 5. Harmonica and Washboard Breakdown 2:35 6. Harmonica Stomp 2:46 7. Fourty-Four Whistle Blues - 2:47 8. Touch It Up And Go - 2:21 9. The Red Cross Store - 3:19 10. Shake Down - 2:49 11. Sweet Woman - 3:03 12. Chain Gang Blues - 3:29 13. Stackolee - 2:43 14. Rock Me Momma - 3:48 15. Chain Gang Special - 2:53 16. It Takes A Chain Gang Man - 3:17 17. Betty And Dupree - 4:05 18. Red River - 4:02 19. Worried And Lonesome Blues - 2:44 20. She's A Sweet Woman - 2:50 21. South Bound Express - 2:31
1. - 2016.02.01
Sonny Terry fue uno de los más grandes e innovadores armonicistas de su época. Junto a su compañero Brownie McGhee formó uno de los dúos de blues más influyentes de la historia del blues. Su melódico estilo Piedmont de la costa este les llevó a conseguir una inmensa popularidad entre los aficionados al género, primero entre la gente de color y más tarde entre los estudiantes, intelectuales y contestatarios de finales de los cincuenta, siendo una de las primeras formaciones en visitar e introducir el blues en Europa. Este disco es una rareza que la compañía austriaca Wolf Records nos presenta. En él se recogen un total de veintiuna canciones grabadas entre 1938 y 1946 en las que Sonny Terry se erige como protagonista absoluto. Aquí vais a encontrar algún que otro tema grabado por Terry en solitario, con solamente su voz y su armónica, pero también le vais a disfrutar junto a Brownie McGhee, Washboard Sam, Blind Boy Fuller y, en varios cortes, acompañado al banjo, violín y guitarra por el ídolo de Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie. Un álbum histórico allí donde los haya, para recordar y rememorar aquellos músicos de preguerra que forjaron el camino del blues. Todo ello se lo debemos al Sr. Hannes Folterbauer a quien agradecemos la gran labor que lleva haciendo desde hace muchos años a favor de esta música. Esperemos que algún día la European Blues Union o la Blues Foundation se acuerden de premiar su trabajo. BUENISIMO.
Sonny Terry was one of the greatest and most innovative harmonica players of his time. Together with Brownie McGhee they formed one of the most influential blues duos of the blues history. Their melodic east coast Piedmont style led them to get a huge popularity among fans, first among black people and afterwards among late fifties students, intellectuals and political activists, which led them to be one of the first bluesmen to visit and introduce blues in Europe. This album is a rarity Austrian label Wolf Records gives us. It includes 21 songs recorded between 1938 and 1946 where Sonny Terry stands as the absolute figure. Here you will find some songs recorded by Terry alone with only his voice and his harmonious, but you will also have the opportunity to enjoy him together with Brownie McGhee, Washboard Sam, Blind Boy Fuller and even backed in some cuts with the banjo, violin and guitar of Bob Dylan’s idol, Woody Guthrie. This is an historical essential album to look back and remember those pre-war musicians who forged the roads of blues. Let me say we owe it to Mr. Hannes Folterbauer, we are really grateful for the great work he has done for many years in favour of real blues. Let’s hope some day the European Blues Union or the Blues Foundation reward his work. GREAT.
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