
Quartetto Tamborini – Quartettino Giocoso

13,50 12,10

SKU: Folkclub Ethnosuoni 5307 Categories: , Tag:


This work collects compositions by some authors of the cultivated music of the Nineteenth century in Piedmont. Drawing from this repertoire, the band re-proposes in a very original way the compositions transcribed for the most classic among the classic kinds of ensemble: the string quartet. Quartetto Tamborini is born from an idea by Bruno Raiteri, fiddler of La Ciapa Rusa.

Track Listing:
1. Contraddanza - 1:49 / Monferrina – 1:38   2. La cansón di servitór – 2:26   3. La Strega Polka – 2:39   4. Quartettino giocoso – 5:06   5. Dona Franseisa – 3:10) , 6. La domenica mattina 1:09 / Contraddanza – 1:45   7. Gentilina, gentilina tanto – 3:48   8. Presso la culla di Betlemme – 2:42   9. Lutto leggero - 2:00 / Monferrina – 1:54   10. Valzer – 2:44   11. Preludio – 2:59   12. Detective rag – 3:51

Barbara Careggio (violin) , Antonio Sacco (violin) , Bruno Raiteri (viola) , Marco Pasquino (cello) , Devis Longo (vocal) , Fabrizio Montager (alto) , Paola Brancato (double bass)