
Musicanti del Piccolo Borgo – Fiore de tuttu i fiori

13,50 9,68

SKU: Folkclub Ethnosuoni 5338 Categories: , Tag:


Reprint of the most significant tunes drawn from the successful album Fiore de tutti i fiori, which was published in the year 2000 by Teatro del Sole. The CD contains some of the finest melodies from the tradition of the Italian regions of Lazio and Molise, in excellently arranged versions performed by Musicanti.

Track Listing:
1. Fiore De Tutti I Fiori - 5:22   2. La Povera Cecilia - 4:24   3. Saltarella Amatriciana - 5:49   4. So' Stato A Lavorà A Montesicuro - 3:48   5. Tarantelle Lucane - 6:24   6. La Zita - 5:22   7. Maitinata E Quadriglia - 6:24   8. Pastorale Di Capracotta - 9:04

Marika Spiezia (vocals, castanets) , Mauro Bassano (two-row melodeon, surdulina, zampogna) ,
Silvio Trotta (mandoloncello, plettri, battente guitar, violino, vocals) , Stefano Tartaglia (vocals, zampogna, recorder, tamburello. piffero) , Franco Giusti (guitar, vocals, triangle) , Giorgio Castelli (two-row melodeon, accordeon, vocals) , Angela Paynter (cello) , Ricordo Mancini (bass guitar bufu)