
Leadbelly – Good Morning Blues – (his best 24 songs)

13,30 12,10

SKU: Blues Classics 12 Categories: ,


Lead Belly...
...was a great blues and folk singer, a songwriter and a guitarist who performed a vast repertoire of songs and influenced a lot of musicians like Bob Dylan, JACK White, Tom Waits and Kurt Cobain. He is a main part of North-American MUSIC-HISTORY (culture).
What Lead Belly made famous was his unique singing of his deep, beautiful and resonating voice. He also had a special way of playing his powerful twelve string guitar.
Many of his songs became classic, like Goodnight Irene, Midnight Special, Where Did You Sleep Last Night, Good Morning Blues, Rock Island land, Cotton fields and many more on this CD!

Track Listing:
1. Daddy I'm Coming Back To You - 2:56   2. Looly Looky Younder / Black Betty Yellow Womens Door Bells (On A Monday) - 2:57   3. The Bourgeois Blues - 3:12   4. Pick A Bale Of Cotton - 3:00   5. Midnight Special - 3:03   6. Alabama Bound - 3:03   7. Rock Island Line - 2:35   8. Good Morning Blues - 2:51   9. Leaving Blues - 3:02   10. T.B. Blues - 3:07   11. Tred Cross Store Blues - 3:05   12. Roberta - 3:08   13. Easy Rider - 3:10   14. New York City - 3:00   15. Worried Blues - 3:08   16. Don't You Love Your Daddy No More? - 3:03   17. On A Monday - 1:46   18. (Good Night) Irene - 2:21   19. Where Did You Sleep Last Night - 2:59   20. In New Orleans - 3:13   21. I've A Pretty Flowers - 2:23   22. Outskirts Of Town - 2:38   23. Blind Lemon (Memorial Record) - 1:29   24. Mothers Blues (Little Children Blues) - 2:30


1. - 2017.05.01
Leadbelly fue un gran cantante, compositor y multi-instrumentista, aunque a lo que se dedicó principalmente fue a tocar la guitarra. Leadbelly tenia un amplísimo repertorio basado en la música popular tradicional influido por el rico folklore del pueblo afroamericano, aunque por supuesto cantó mucho blues y también fue un excelente y contumaz interprete de work songs y espirituales Huddie Leadbetter, más conocido como Leadbelly, llevó una vida muy azarosa pasando siete años en la cárcel por haber asesinado a un familiar, volviendo dos veces mas a la prisión por peleas con blancos. Afortunadamente John Lomax le contrató como su chófer y le dio la oportunidad de grabar una considerable cantidad de material. Gracias a Lomax fue reconocido por los estudiosos del folklore negro y por los aficionados al folk blancos, siendo uno de los primeros músicos en viajar a Europa. La influencia ejercida por este hombre es más que notable en músicos como Bob Dylan, Jack White, Tom Waits e incluso Kurt Covain. Este álbum recoge con fidelidad y un buen sonido remasterizado algunas de sus canciones mas populares y emblemáticas como pueden ser “Good Night Irene”, “Midnight Special”, “Where Did You Sleep Last Night”, “Good Morning Blues”, “Rock Island Land” o “Cotton Fields” entre un total de veinticuatro maravillosos cortes en un disco básico e imprescindible para todos los amantes del género. Felicitamos una vez más a Wolf Records que, como es habitual en ellos, siempre trabaja infatigablemente en la búsqueda de material histórico y que ahora nos regala otra de sus maravillosas entregas. BUENISIMO.

Leadbelly was a great singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist, although he mainly devoted himself to play guitar. Leadbelly had a wide repertoire based on traditional popular music deeply influenced by rich Afroamerican music, although he also sang blues and also was an able and excellent work songs and spirituals performer. Huddie Leadbetter, better known as Leadbelly, had an hazardous life, he was inprisoned for seven years for murdering a relative and he went back to jail two more times accused of fighting and hit some white people. Fortunately John Lomax hired him as his driver and gave him the opportunity to record a considerable amount of his material. Thanks to Lomax he was recognized by black and folk music researchers and white fans and he was also one of the first musicians who travelled and played in Europe with great success. His influence can be found in such great musicians like Bob Dylan, Jack White, Tom Waits and even Kurt Covain. This album faithfully gathers with a good remastered sound of his most popular songs like "Good Night Irene", "Midnight Special", "Where Did You Sleep Last Night", "Good Morning Blues", "Rock Island Land" or "Cotton Fields" in a total of twenty four wonderful songs which have been selected in an album that becomes basic and essential for all lovers of these musical styles. Once again our congratulations to Wolf Records which, as usual, does a tireless work in the research of historical material which now gives us one more example of their excellent recordings. ESSENTIAL. 

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