Clara Ward & The Ward Singers – The Famous Ward Singers 1949-62 – 3CD
The Famous Ward Singers, based in Philadelphia, were one of the foremost gospel groups of the post-war era, originally founded as a family group in 1931 by Gertrude Ward, and achieving fame after WWII with Gertrude’s daughter Clara Ward as leader, with other notable singers joining to create their trademark lead-switching style. Soloists with highly individual styles within the group included Henrietta Waddy, Marion Williams and Willa Ward Moultrie, and they developed a powerful and extrovert approach to gospel in their ‘live’ performances which readily translated to their recordings. This great-value 77-track 3-CD collection comprises a fairly significant proportion of the 130 or so A and B sides released on the Gotham and Savoy labels during this era, which represented the years when they achieved their greatest success. The releases were under various guises – Clara Ward as a solo artist, The Famous Ward Sisters Of Philadelphia, The Clara Ward Specials, Clara Ward & The Ward Singers, The Clara Ward Singers, The Famous Ward Singers and simply as The Ward Singers. It features most of their best-known songs, including the million-seller “Surely God Is Able”, along with “How I Got Over”, and “Packin’ Up”, plus many gospel classics and standards. It’s an inspiring an uplifting showcase for their distinctive approach to gospel.
Track Listing:
Famous Ward Singers Of Philadelphia: 1. Surely God Is Able - 2. I Need Thee Every Hour - Clara Ward: 3. The Fountain - 4. How I Got Over - 5. I Don't Know Why - Clara Ward Specials: 6. Throw Out The Lifeline - 7. He'll Never Let Go My Hand - 8. Hark The Voice - Clara Ward: 9. When I've Done The Best I Can - 10. When The Gates Swing Open - Clara Ward Specials: 11. Happy Over There - Part 1 - Clara Ward; 12. I'm Waiting For Jesus - 13. At The Cross - 14. In That Great Judgement Morning - 15. On Higher Ground - 16. Faith Moves Mountains - 17. I Heard Of A City Called Jerusalem - Clara Ward & Ward Singers: 18. Jesus - 19. Stretch Out - 20. Just One Moment - 21. Each Day - 22. Jesus Is All The World To Me - 23. The Day Is Past And Gone - 24. Get Back, Jordan - 25. How Far Am I From Canaan? -
Clara Ward & Ward Singers: 1. He Knows How Much We Can Bear - 2. My Jesus Is All And All - Clara Ward Singers: 3. Who Could Ask For Anything Else - Clara Ward & Ward Singers: 4. I'm Bound For The Higher Ground - 5. When I Woke Up In Glory - Gertrude Ward And Daughters: 6. That Awful Day Will Surely Come - Clara Ward & Ward Singers: 7. The Old Rugged Cross - Ward Singers: 8. Oh My Lord, What A Time - Famous Ward Singers: 9. I Heard The Voice Of Jesus - 10. The Old Landmark - Clara Ward Singers: 11. I Will Trust In The Lord - 12. This Little Light Of Mine - Ward Singers: 13. Until I Found The Lord - 14. How Many Times - Famous Ward Singers: 15. Since I Found The Light - 16. I Just Can't Make It Myself - 17. I Know It Was The Lord - 18. I Want To Be More Like Jesus - 19. Who Shall Be Able To Stand - Famous Ward Singers; Thelma Ja: 20. Farther On Up The Road - Famous Ward Singers: 21. Only The Crumbs - 22. God's Amazing Love - 23. Treading The Wine Press Alone - 24. Oh Gabriel - 25. Lord, Touch Me -
Famous Ward Singers: 1. I'm Goin' Home - 2. Hold Back The Tears - 3. Anywhere In Glory - The Famous Ward Singers: 4. Great Is The Lord - Famous Ward Singers: 5. Packin' Up - 6. Nearer My God To Thee - 7. Climbing Jacob’s Ladder - 8. I Feel The Holy Spirit - 9. I'm So Glad - 10. Our God Is Real - 11. In His Arms - 12. Pure Gold - 13. Good News - 14. Got On My Traveling Shoes - 15. He's Watching Over You - Ward Singers: 16. We're Gonna Have A Time - 17. We Shall Be Changed - Famous Ward Singers: 18. Every Day Will Be Sunday - 19. God Is Good - 20. I'm Getting Richer - 21. I'm Gonna Move Upstairs - 22. A Sweeter Tomorrow - 23. Life Is Just One Step - 24. Rock Of Ages - 25. The Lord’s Army - The Ward Singers: 26. Handwriting On The Wall - 27. Contract With The Lord -
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