Various – Country Blues Obsurities Vol. 1 – LP
Track Listing:
A. William and Versey Smith: 1. When That Great Ship Went Down - "Big Boy" George Owens: 2. The Coon Crap Game - Smith and Harper: 3. Poor Girl - 4. Insurance Policy Blues - Big Boy Cleveland: 5. Quill Blues - John D. Fox: 6. The Moanin' Blues - Johnnie Head: 7. Fare Thee Blues - Part 1 & 2 -
B. "Bill" Wilber: 1. Greyhound Blues - Alfred Lewis: 2. Friday Moan Blues - Walter Rhodes: 3. The Crowing Rooster - 4. Leaving Home Blues - Will Bennett: 5. Real Estate Blues - Whistlin' Rufus: 6. (Who's Gonna Do Your) Sweet Jelly Rollin' - Handy Archie: 7. Miss Handy Hanks - Shreveport Home Wreckers: 8. Fence Breakin' Blues -