
Terry ‘Harmonica’ Bean – Catfish Blues

13,50 12,10


Terry was born 1961 in Pontotoc, Mississippi. Besides the Burnsides and Kimbrogh Family he is the only musician left who plays the Hill Country Blues. Also there are just a few harp players left in Mississippi and he is the only one who plays harp & guitar together. The North of Mississippi got many famous names like Howling Wolf, Bukka White and Big Joe Williams, now there are just a few left. Terry plays traditional Country Blues with his personal touch! He played in Europe and on all important Blues Festivals in the US - like the Chicago Blues Festival!

Track Listing:
1. I Want To Tell You What The Reason Is - 4:53   2. How Many More Years - 5:05   3. Shake Your Money Maker - 4:35   4. Catfish Blues - 3:55   5. Back Door Man - 5:15   6. Kind Hearted Baby - 4:49   7. Freight Train Blues - 4:46   8. I'm Going Back Down South - 3:22   9. Try Me One More Time - 5:04   10. I'm Worried 'Bout My Baby - 4:43   11. I Just Want To Make Love To You - 3:01   12. I Wanna Know Who Will Be Your Sweet Man When I'm Gone - 5:32  

Terry ‘Harmonica’ Bean (vocals, guitar)


1. - 2014.09.29
Terry Bean es un músico de la vieja escuela down-home. Tiene 53 años, pues nació en 1961 en Pontoc, Mississippi. Además de los miembros de las familias Burnside, Kimbrough y pocos más, Terry Bean también es uno de esos escasos músicos que interpretan lo que se conoce como el ‘Hill Country Blues’. Actualmente es muy raro encontrar músicos de blues del Mississippi que toquen guitarra y armónica al mismo tiempo. Hace ya muchos años que desaparecieron bluesmen como Juke Boy Bonner y el Dr. Isaiah Ross y con ellos prácticamente se fue aquella vieja tradición de tocar estos dos instrumentos al mismo tiempo. Quizá aún nos queda Hezekiah Early aunque, a diferencia de los anteriores, Early toca armónica y batería. En el disco que comentamos podréis escuchar a un músico que pone todo su conocimiento y su empeño en hacernos descubrir el country blues más tradicional, impregnado siempre en su propio estilo, es decir, blues del campo con un toque distintivo y muy personal. Terry ‘Harmónica’ Bean es un músico genuino, auténtico, desprovisto de afectación, con un solo objetivo en su mente, que es dar a conocer su arte y transmitirlo a su manera. MUY BUENO. 

Terry Bean is a down-home old school musician. He is 53 years old, since he was born in 1961 in Pontoc, Mississippi. Besides the members of the families Burnside, Kimbrough and some few more, Terry Bean is also one of these rare musicians who perform what is known as 'Hill Country Blues'. It is very difficult now to find Mississippi blues musicians who play guitar and harmonica at the same time. Bluesmen like Juke Boy Bonner or Dr. Isaiah Ross have passed away quite a long time ago and they took with them that old tradition of playing these two instruments simultaneously. Perhaps Hezekiah Early is one of few living musicians who still does it although, unlike Bonner and Ross, he plays harmonica and drums. In this cd you will find a musician who gives all his knowledge and commitment to make us discover the most traditional country blues, but always performed with his own genuine style, that is to say, real country blues with a distinctive and very personal touch. Terry "Harmonica" Bean is an honest unaffected and reliable musician, with only one purpose on mind, to let us know his skills and the special way he has to understand the music. VERY GOOD.